For those interested in taking one of these babies home there is a Wait List widget to the left of this. Just let me know who you are and I'll get in touch.
Honey's litter arrived quickly. Some girls take days (or weeks) to produce their puppies. Bit O'Honey did the job in just a few hours. She went into labor yesterday afternoon and the first pup arrived quite suddenly at 11:46 p.m.
It was a very small (6.7 ounces), tri-colored, girl. We gave her TicTac as her puppy name. She's a noisy little girl.
It took about an hour for Honey to produce the next, but it was boys all the way until the end.
At 12:30 a.m. a nice red and white, 11.8 ounce, boy, named Lemon Head came into the world suddenly.
At 12:30 a.m. a nice red and white, 11.8 ounce, boy, named Lemon Head came into the world suddenly.

Then they started showing up a bit quicker.
At 1:20 a.m. a heavy (13.7 ounce) tri-colored boy named Gobstopper made his mother yelp out loud.
At 1:20 a.m. a heavy (13.7 ounce) tri-colored boy named Gobstopper made his mother yelp out loud.
Then at 1:45 a.m. Coffee Nip showed up (quickly). He weighed 10.5 ounces and immediately began feeding to catch up.
At 2:05 a.m. Red Hot, a red and white boy weighing 11.1 ounces became the last to arrive.
All in all the arrival of the Hard Candy Litter was quick and a bit light. We expected eight. But they pups are all well fed at the tie of this writing and all seem healthy and well formed.