The Jelly Belly Litter came into the world eleven days ago. Normally we would have weighed and taken pictures at seven days, but life got in the way. I will keep this short because life is still in the way. The new pictures we took yesterday are on our Facebook Rocketdog Group (link near the top), but you would have a hard time telling these from those posted here already so I'm going to skip posting new pictures until there's something new to see.
We have secured deposits for five of the nine pups so far, leaving four. All five of those people who have made the decision to take a puppy and put down the deposit have chosen females. Since we had five females and four males this leaves three males and one female that are still available for adoption into new families.
The development of the Jelly Bellies is right on track. They have all doubled in weight. All have had their dewclaws removed. All have become proficient eaters and none are being excluded from Mother's milk. None have opened eyes or ears, but we expect they will soon. Abba Zabba is leaving them for short period of cuddle time two or three times a day. She is no overly concerned when we have visitors.
The Jellies are right on track, very robust, and it is still too early to tell much about how they might eventually turn out. Please click here for more information about how you might adopt a puppy. They won't be ready until mid-May but are apparently going fast. There's an email widget to the left of this if you have questions.
Of course you are welcome to join our Rocketdog Facebook group and get advice or references before getting more involved. And you are certainly welcome to visit, though we don't allow handling until four weeks. You are welcome to call us and we have a number of video conference apps we can use if you cannot come here and see for yourself. Be careful of scammers. They are everywhere. They will take your money. So visit your breeder before paying out any cash at all. You can't fake a warm puppy.