Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bazooka Joe Six Week Evaluation

A beautiful little boy
Every litter brings a favorite. Bazooka Joe is the one puppy I would keep if I could.

Our little pet Basset kennel has given us some good litters, but we feel that the five pups of this litter is perhaps the best we have seen so far. Though all of a particular tri-colored style, all of the pups in this litter are unique in their own way. Our kennel's goal is to breed a smaller form of Basset Hound, Bazooka Joe looks to be of the type we are trying to achieve.

At six pounds, nine ounces, "Joe" is a bit smaller than most. But he is a stout and happy fellow, prone to extroverted play and he is never less than adventurous. He is the first to explore, the quickest to pick a fight, and the hardest charger at dinner time. He is a wonderful puppy and might do well in a large family with children.

Joe's coloring is very good, with a whole lot of slightly tight black fur. His ears will likely change to red with time, but are well placed back from his low domed head.

Unlike his sibling brother, Joe shows a slightly tight coat and less of a square jawed appearance, but this only makes him cuter (I am biased).

Not the best stance, but quite good
His stance is something of a mystery. In person he has a solid aggressive stance, but one which does not photograph well. Since stance is perhaps the best indicator of future hip health, and since he is not one to be lazy, and if allowed to grow up in a high exercise environment, he should have good bone health into old age.

Bazooka Joe gets six of six points using our evaluation system, there is simply nothing wrong about him at this point in time. He will make a good pet, perhaps a show quality pet as well. Since he is of good stock he might be bred, but care ought to be taken in choosing his partners since both parents come from the same kennel (neither sharing parents).

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