Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wriggly Six Week Evaluation

Wriggly is a talky little girl.
Rating the five pups of this litter is difficult, they are all very good. But citing differences is important because there are some very distinct characteristics about each one which might make deciding which is the best fit for new homes. As a litter I must say these pups are a step up from previous litters. The next closest was the 2017 CarmelCorn and ClarkeBar's litter, who were fairly exceptional. But Laffee Taffee and ClarkBar put together a really wonderful first litter, both are quite pretty parents and we expect their offspring will be vary pretty as well.

Wriggly (her kennel name) came into the world talking constantly. Since then she has remained very conversant with her siblings and our other hounds, but is not very talky around the humans. Wriggly has been very adventurous and brave, with a large appetite. At seven pounds, nine ounces, she is only behind the big boy Bubba for size. She has wonderfully symmetrical coloring with a slim white blaze. Wriggly has adequate skin folds and lovely ear length set well back from her nearly perfectly domed head. She stands well, which we feel is an important indicator of good future hip development. (It must be said that sufficient exercise also adds to giving a Basset Hound a long happy life without the pain associated with hip problems, so get her out running as often as you can.)

Wriggly's Stance is not optimal, but is strong
and looks as healthy as can be.
Though much of Wriggly is black in color today, her ears show definite signs of changing to red, and the ermine (spotted) coat shows both black and red spots.  Her bloodlines are somewhat close, both parents of the same kennel (but not in any problematic way), so care must be exercised prior to breeding decisions. She will become a wonderful pet quality little girl which perhaps might be bred, but only with a higher quality male of a radically different blood line.

Wriggly is a wonderful example of the Basset Hound, according to our six point system. She earns five of the five points available, which align with the AKC standard, but only gains a half point for aesthetics since there is a slightly botched dewclaw removal on her right fore paw and her coloration really is not special in any significant way. Still, at five and a half points, with a personality which looks really good for being around a family, she is a great little girl.

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