Saturday, October 28, 2017

October 28, 2017 Clover (Scotch Mallow) a grown up girl

Scotch Mallow at one minute old.
Clover was one of CarmelCorn's first litter. We called her Scotch Mallow, sometimes we called her Tank because she loved to pull heavy weighted things around.

Scotch Mallow went to the Critter Cabana, where she eventually found herself becoming a helper for some special needs kids. They renamed her Clover and took the time to find us and join our Facebook Rocketdog group.

She was always a big girl. Born on New Year's Day on 2016, she was a healthy one and a quarter pounds and we thought she would eventually turn into a tri-color because some of her fur was very dark when wet. But as she grew (and dried out) she declared herself a wonderful Red and White.

Once she landed safely with her hew family, she was well loved by the two boys and, we are told, helped out a great deal and gave the boys a good thing to occupy their time.

This morning I pulled another picture off of Facebook. She is a beautiful Basset Hound. We are very proud of her and hope all of the others turned out as well.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25, 2017 The Second Week.

Week 2 Update Shasta

A lovely red and white, mostly white. This little girl is big at 3.35 pounds. She is the most mobile and adventurous of the group.

Week 2 Update MrPibb

Another nearly perfect deepchestnut colored beauty. 3.15 is a healthy weight. A this point the coloring is special.

Week 2 Update Moxie

3.2 pounds of fun. Moxie is a lovely tri color with just a few tan patches in an otherwise nice black and white.

A beauty queen.

Week 2 Update Fanta

Her eyes are almost open. Tanya is a little red and white. Her slightly wirey fit is a beautiful deep tan. 2.13 pounds makes her small. We like that.

Week 2 Update Pepsi

His eyes are open. Pepsi is a wonderfully colored Black and white. Carmen throws good looking pups.3.2 pounds and very mobile.

Week 2 Update DrPepper

With eyes wide open, DrPepper is a BIG favorite. 3.25 pounds of puppy. Beautiful chestnut coloring and an interesting pattern in her nearly symmetrical coat.

Week 2 Update BubbleUp

2.13 lbs of wonderfully white Panda Bear. Perhaps not the best form, mobile and inquisitiveness.

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Puppy Update

My how they have grown in just one week.

Nobody's eyes are open yet.    They are actively seeking Carmen out using sound and smell. But the size seems a bit ahead of the curve.

As soon as they eyes are open I'll get you all some new pictures.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Cinnamon, the good aunt

Cinnamon is trying so hard not to mess with Carmen's  babies. I think she's getting the protective auntie thing down  pretty good.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Thumb cutter strikes again

I snipped off the babies dewclaws this morning.  It's an unpleasant task,  but we feel it's a worthwhile one.  David tried to keep mama occupied and not hearing what I was doing, but it's stressful for her. 

This litter is by far the wiggliest batch I've done.  I thought I was going  to ear dock a couple of them by accident! Glad it's done.  Everyone is napping now.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017 #7 Fanta

4:35 brought a mostly red and white little female named Fanta.
Another breach baby, she came out worried and hurried. I think she's her mother's favoritevright now.
13.6 ounces makes her my favorite so far.

CaramelCorn's Milk Mustache

Too cute. Organic white milk. She looked up and told me she was thirsty. She finished the bowl quickly.

October 11, 2017 #6 Pepsi

3:45 brings us a lovely little girl named Pepsi.
She is nearly all black with white shoulders and belly, with matching boots.
It's too early to tell, but she might surpass Dr.Pepper for looks.
Her black fur is nearly perfect for symmetry.
Nearly 15 ounces makes her my favorite so far. I like them small.

October 11, 2017 #5 Shasta

A surprisingly quick 2:50 delivery called me away from posting pictures.
A one pound four ounce male red and white male.
Puppy named Shasta

October 11, 2017 #4 Mr.Pibb

2:35 brought us a beautiful little tri-colored male named Mr.Pibb.
Another one pound breach baby. This one came slowly

October 11th #3 Moxie

12:00 On the nose.
A beautiful, mostly black, tri-colored male.
Puppy named Moxie.
One pound exactly.
A precision puppy.