Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Cool Comes to Creekside Farm

It was rainy and forty-six degrees this morning. Fall fell like the hammer of judgement (cheesy line). And even though nobody looked particularly cold,  I broke out the  winter rain coats anyway.

They were well received.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Laffy Taffy's Fall Morning

It was a brisk forty-nine degrees this morning, with a light breeze,so cuddling up in the sun is just the right thing to do.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Laffy Taffy: Hammock Life

It's a perfect Summer Sunday  afternoon. Seventy-five degrees with a nearly perfect westerly breeze. 

We were going to the movies, but we need no escape from life on Creekside Farm. We have built a great place to hide out built behind our tiny home cabin and it comes complete with tables, chairs, a swimming pool, and a hammock which came with a stand. 

Ann got the hammock for her last birthday and she spends most of her down time lounging there in the dappled sunlight under the Walnut tree. 

For a while now, Clarke and Taffy ask (nicely) to be allowed to climb in with her for a nap. Both Clarke and Taffy love sleeping in the hammock, but each has their own style.

Clarke usually starts off in a lap, then crawls slowly forward, pushing his head uphill until his backside slips down, locking him in a sort of cotton burrito. He hates being left alone in the hammock and dives out once Ann gets up.

Taffy loves to find a nest near to Ann's side and be rocked to sleep. She'll stay there until playtime when she'll attack a hand unprovoked and get herself kicked off the hammock.