Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Our Wait List is (still) Open

March 8, 2021 We are fairly certain that Taffee will be having puppies in early April. This is a bit ahead of schedule, but we are happy to see it. People who have joined the Wait List will have the first opportunity to make a Reservation once the pups arrive, so it is still a good idea to get on the list. As of today there are seventeen people on the list and about eight pups expected. We will be breeding the Cinnamon Bear around April, so there are plenty of puppies expected this Spring. More news to follow. 

Update Feb 26th, 2021: We are thinking that our Laffee Taffee might be pregnant. She is sneaky and shows little interest in ClarkeBar, and he for her, But we thought it was possible that she and ClarkeBar had got together a few weeks back. This, and the last, litter from Taffee have been surprise pregnancies. I'll notify the Wait List if we find that she is actually pregnant. The timing would be: whelping in Early April for delivery to new parents in early June. Taffee's first litter was exceptionally good. Scroll down the page to see them. We will still be breeding The Cinnamon Bear in April since she is scheduled for retirement this year and we can no longer wait. There is a great deal of work to do to be ready. We are finishing the interior of the new house to be ready for this, but we might just have puppies for everyone!

We have decided to resume our breeding schedule in anticipation of opening our new kennel in the late Spring of 2021. 

We are planning for pairing The Cinnamon Bear (AKC) and Clarke Bar Griswold (AKC) and expect mating in April.  This is a proven pairing with two successful litters of very good quality pups which will go for $1200 (U.S) each. Click on these links to see something of their previous litters: Litter One 2016  - Litter Two 2017. There is more information in postings made before and after these two. This pairing is on the schedule first because The Cinnamon Bear is at the end of her career in our kennel. 

The Wait List requires only that you fill out the form to the left of this announcement and hit the send button. There are no deposits required to join and no contract is being made by joining. Those on The Wait List will be notified as soon as we have happy news and nothing else will be done with the information you give us. Once the upcoming litter is brought into the world we will contact those interested in acquiring a puppy to discuss next steps.

You may review our Sales Contract before deciding to join The Wait List
 by clicking here. If you wish to know more about our process for finding puppy parents then click here. We do things a bit differently than most other kennels, so it is good to know how things work before getting involved. 

We anticipate delivery to families in or around late June to mid-July. Of course none of this is certain as we do all of this naturally,  But once these two get "that look in their eyes", things seem to take shape pretty well.

We look forward to hearing from you.


  1. I would like to be put on your waiting list please.

    Miss Patera

    1. If you haven't already done it, please go back to the page and use the email widget on the left side to get on the list. You can email me directly if you wish:
