Saturday, April 23, 2022

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Hurricane

 The is the unexpected second litter of Beatrix (Bit) O'Honey and ClarkeBar Grizwold. A pair of red and white male puppies who are unusually large when compared to the other litters we've had. Beatrix O'Honey is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. 

Hurricane is nearly ten pounds at six weeks boy, much larger than all but one of the other pups in the Lady Drinks litter(s). He was larger at birth, heavily built, with what appears to be excellent European features. He is heavy in all respects. Heavy in skin, with large skin folds over his shoulders and hind quarters. He is very heavy in bone, with large paws which are a clue as to what he will become and a deep chest between his thick forelegs. The Mule has good stance, a stronger than average aggressiveness in the way he stands while at rest.  He has a wide skull with a wide snout, adequate fews covering his lower jaw, and very good ear size and setting. He is a well formed hefty baby Basset boy.

It is unusual to have red and white puppies in our kennel, but these two are a welcomed change. Hurricane has thick soft fur, mostly in red with large white patches. There is no telling how he will eventually be colored, but it will definitely be in red and white fur.  His face appears mostly white as his blaze covered two-third of his face and to the back of his skull, he has style.

This is a a calm and patient little boy Basset. Very good natured, gentle, and sometimes scrappy. Hurricane receives five of the five AKC derived points for form, there is simply nothing wrong about him. He receives one-half of a point for beauty, because of his lineage we cannot be sure he will always be so good looking of sport those wonderful European features. 

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Ukraine Mule

The Ukraine Mule is spoken for. She wiil live in Ferndale, on a cattle ranch, with one other Rocketdog Basset Hound.

The is the unexpected second litter of Beatrix (Bit) O'Honey and ClarkeBar Grizwold. A pair of red and white male puppies who are unusually large when compared to the other litters we've had. Beatrix O'Honey is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. 

In the puppy we call the Ukraine Mule we have a very heavy ten pound boy, much larger than all the other pups in the Lady Drinks litter(s). He was larger at birth, heavily built, with what appears o be excellent European features. He is heavy in all respects. Heavy in skin, with large skin folds over his shoulders and hind quarters. He is very heavy in bone, with large paws which are a clue as to what he will become and a deep chest between his thick forelegs. The Mule has good stance, a stronger than average aggressiveness in the way he stands while at rest.  He has a wide skull with a wide snout, adequate fews covering his lower jaw, and very good ear size and setting. He is a well formed hefty baby Basset boy.

It is unusual to have red and white puppies in our kennel, but these two are a welcomed change. Mule has thick soft fur, mostly in white with large red patches. There is not telling how he will eventually be colored, but it will definitely be in red and white fur.  His face appears mostly white as his blaze covered two-third of his face and to the back of his skull, he has style.

This is a fearless puppy, given to smiling. Good natured, playful, scrappy, and a real explorer. He is undeniable and stubborn as well. He likes to get his way.  The Ukraine Mule receives five of the five AKC derived points for form, there is simply nothing wrong about him. He receives one-half of a point for beauty, because of his lineage we cannot be sure he will always be so good looking of sport those wonderful European features. 

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Bellini


Belinni is taken. His new family is in Everett, Washington and loves to hike.

This is the first litter for Abigale (Abba) Zabba and GlarkeBar Griswold so this is an untried pairing. Abba Zabba is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. 

At Birth we too one look at Bellini and found a movie star. There is something in his gaze that makes you look. At Birth he had a distinctive pattern in his fur which has since become more average, but he is still a very good looking boy. His body shape, leg bone size, paws, and generally tapering shape are all very good, He has a nicely domed head from which great ears are placed perfectly.  He still has those movie star looks. The only area where we are not simply thrilled is in the lower rib cage and sternum, which may still develop a bit more. He is very well built, though light in the rib cage.

Bellini's coloring very good, he is black from tail to foreleg, a mixed black and white to the very symmetrically colored head. He is a beautiful little boy. 

Bellini gets four and half points of the five AKC derived Standard points, and the full point for beauty. Other than needing to grow up, this is one very pretty Basset Hound. He is brave, doesn't startle, and quick. A wonderful puppy.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): WooWoo


This is the first litter for Abigale (Abba) Zabba and GlarkeBar Griswold so this is an untried pairing. Abba Zabba is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. 

One of my favorites, WooWoo has a completely charming manner. This should be good enough for most of the people making a choice of family pets. But along with being a wonderfully fun little boy Basset, whoever is lucky enough to pick little WooWoo is going to get pretty lucky. WooWoo has an excellent frame. His slightly heavy foreleg bones, deep sternum, tapered ribs and backside are all very good. His head is a wonderful shape and style. He is an all American boy puppy in style and we are hoping he will carry these very good traits forward into adulthood. WooWoo's ear length and setting are nearly perfect as is his natural stance. Woo Woo is a well built puppy.

These well placed bones and muscles are covered in soft, relatively short, fur in black and brown. We expect that Woo Woo will eventually be mostly brown colored. He has a very light asymmetrical white blaze and no white tail tip.  In all ways WooWoo appears to be an American styled Basset puppy. How we will eventually turn out is not known. But he'll become a wonderful family member.

It may be a bias I have against somewhat brown dogs, I'm not sure. And WooWoo has the physique and pretty parts of a champion.  But I'm not able to give WooWoo the beauty point. To me he is a well built puppy, but not interesting in his coloring. He does get all of the AKC Standard points because he is a fine example of the breed at this point. Five points of six is very good for an untried pairing. WHoeven gets WooWoo will be quite happy to have found him. Personality goes a long way.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Fuzzy Navel


This is the first litter for Abigale (Abba) Zabba and GlarkeBar Griswold so this is an untried pairing. Abba Zabba is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. 

The boy puppy we call Fuzzy Navel shares with his litter mates some of the traits of their dame, and some of their sire. The mix has given us a slightly lighter weight version of the American Basset Hound. In Fuzzy we have a nicely heavy leg bones and feet, great stance (perhaps a good indicator of future hip bone health), and an exceptionally deep sternum and body taper. Narrow hips and a chunky backside make for a sleek package. Fuzzy's facial features are all American in style and size. A well domed head with boxy snout and facial fews drooping over the lower jaw. This is a well built Basset Hound.

Covering those good body features Fuzzy Navel has a relatively short fur coat with sufficient skin folds. The coat is slightly tighter than optional in an American styled Basset Hound. His fur is primarily black today, but I expect a bit of brown around the ears as he grows into an adult. Fuzzy's facial fur is wonderfully symmetrical and well colored. This is a very pretty puppy.  

Of the five AKC derived Standard points Fuzzy Navel scores all five, there is nothing wrong with this puppy's form. He also gets half of  the aesthetic point, having all the appearance and coloring of a good American Basset, but somewhat unknown. Six of six points is not usual in a new pairing, particularly true since this is a pairing of a Normand styled female with a solid American male. There is not way to know how the dog will turn out as an adult, but I am betting on very good.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Pink Lady


Pink Lady does not like to stand still.
This is our Abigal (Abba) Zabba and ClarkeBar Grizwold's first litter. Abba Zabba is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring. Since this is their first litter we cannot know how the pups will develop as they grow, but we can be sure that they will be fast, happy, smart, and wonderful family pets.

In the puppy we call Pink Lady we find just this. An exceptionally happy and exuberant female that is larger than most for her age. She weighs 7.9 pounds at six weeks and will likely develop into a sleek, powerful, racer of a dog. Lady's head shape is a bit narrower than found in other litters and not as dome shaped. Her ears are extraordinarily long and set exactly correct at the back of her skull. She has good stance, but her leg bones are not a heavily constructed as an American or European styled Basset might have. So too the foot size. This dog appears to be built for hunting at a run, rather than a walking pace.  Where Lady differs from Normand Bassets is in the face and snout, where she carries the more European styling traits of a boxy snout, facial fews hanging well under the jaw, and very good skin wrinkling.  Because she is of lighter construction she may not have the problems associated with heavier Basset styles. I would like to see a stronger stance in Pink Lady but this is not a worry since the dog is lighter in bone than heavier Basset Hounds. There is no way of knowing until she grow to adulthood, but the end product of Pink Lady may well be a racing style American Basset. 

Note the tail, a blur of fur.
Pink Lady is mostly black in coloring, with some brown accents and a snowy white belly. She is a lovely deep color and we expect more light brown will eventually make it's way into her decoration. Her face is colored 
symmetrically but without the Basset characteristic white blaze between the eyes. She also has no white tip on her tail, as do most Basset Hounds. She does have a botched dew claw removal on one foreleg, but it is a slight defect and not likely to cause her trouble. But she is lovely in appearance. Lady will probably have some of the loose skin found in American Bassets, but with fur that is a bit shorter and not as prone to shedding.

Not the Normand style at all
Pink Lady is very energetic and interested in exploration, so lock the garden gate.  She has been a fun puppy to have around and loves people and playtime. For a pet Basset Hound she will be exceptionally fun to have around, not nearly so sedate as in European Bassets. She gets four of the five AKC  Standard point, deducting a half point for the botched dew claw removal and half of a point for leg bone size. Neither of these things will effect in any way the good family Hound she will become. She gets half a point for aesthetics. We are not recommending breeding Pink Lady at this time. Fresh eyes should make this decision once the puppy has developed into a young adult. Five of six points is a very good score for an untried pairing where we are unsure of the outcomes.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Mai Tai

Grizelda Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Grizwold have given us three litters of wonderful little Basset Hounds. The puppy we have called Mai Tai is another great puppy from this pairing, a super pet quality American style Basset pup which will likely develop and show great European styling cues. 

Mai Tai is 6.2 pounds of fun. He carries himself very well using his heavy foreleg bones and large feet. His body shape is sleek and tapers from shoulder to hip smoothly. At the hip Mai Tai shows a narrow waist flaring into a chunky back side. His stance, perhaps the best indicator of long termed bone health, is not optimal. One way to see evidence of good hip is in the sploot pose many Basset use when resting. Mai Tai rarely uses this pose so care should be taken to ensure that he is well exercised while developing into adulthood.  There is nothing wrong with Mai Tai, but watchfulness is indicated to insure a happy life. Mai Tai has great head shape. His highly domed head, very long ears, and good ear set and very pretty.  His jaw set is nearly perfect.  

This puppy has charm. His fur is lovely. Soft and a half and half mix of black and white. He has good ermine spotting emerging in his white fur and also has some brown emerging in his ears, so expect a brown head to grow over time. He will be a true tri-colored Basset. Mai Tai has ample skin folding and his head coloring is symmetrical and pretty. 

Mai Tai receives five and a half points. Four and one half points for conforming to the AKC Standard. One half pint deducted for a less than optimal stance. He gets the entire point for beauty. Mai Tai will become a wonderful family pet. He is super playful, and a hugger. He loves people and cuddling on a lap. Anyone having him would be lucky indeed. Mai Tai might be bred providing a superior quality female is pair with him, but we are not recommending breeding for him. 

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Gimlet

The difference between very good, and great, Basset Hounds can be slight. Grizelda Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Grizwold have given us at least very good quality puppies in all three litters. This makes it difficult to write about since all of these Evaluations tend to sound the same. In the case of Gimlet we are faced with a puppy that is borderline great. All of the AKC Standard seems to be correct, and she is certainly a beautiful puppy. But occasionally the difference is in behavior and attitude. 

As stated above Gimlet has all the right stuff. Her head shape is wonderfully domed. Her ears a large, long, and set properly at the back of her skull. Gimlet's jaw set and fews are very good, bordering on great, for her age. Nothing is wrong with this puppy as far as I can tell. Gimlet's little body shape is nearly perfect in every respect as well, flowing smoothly from the shoulders to her waist. Her heavy frame and large feet tell us that she will be a wonderfully robust dog, Her stance, the way she stands when at rest, is very good.

Gimlet's has very good coloring. Her facial coloring is symmetrical and the tiniest white blaze on her forehead only serves to make her cuter. She is mostly black and white, with little brown coming through the black fur at this point in time. And there is an emerging ermine spotting beginning to show up in her  white fur, a sure sign of quality.  There is simply nothing about this puppy which is in any way non-conforming. She is very good. 

But the difference between good a great can be slight. In Gimlet we find a lack of patience, a need to explore her world, and a lack of ability to be self contained and sufficient. She is not any different than any other potential show quality puppies, but the way she engages life is much more playful and clownish than what would be needed for winning at competitive shows. Gimlet is a wonderful puppy and receives all five points for conforming to the AKC Standard and the full point for beauty. She will be a wonderful pet for a family. Breeding Gimlet is a good idea. If she is paired with a very high quality male she may produce offspring that might improved the breed.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Mimosa

Mimosa is taken. Her new home will be in Bremerton, Washington.

This is what a good natural stance should look like.

Every so often, in litter give us by Grizelda Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Grizwold's very high quality offspring, an exception puppy raises above the other excellence. In the case of the puppy we have called Mimosa this is the case. Mimosa, at six weeks, appears to have the stuff needed to transcend the ordinary and might, some day, with the right training and a bit of luck, become a show quality Basset Hound. We have good reason for making this assertion.

Physically, Mimosa is near perfect in form. The puppy has the heavy bone size and large feet needed to properly support the extraordinary shape of her body which flows gracefully from wide shoulder to narrow waist. Following a bit further, her a wasp waist moves quickly into wide set hips supported by an exceptionally well set stance. The simple act of standing gives one the impression that this puppy is quite robustly and strong. All of this is present at six weeks and if given the right training these superior traits will likely continue to develop.  Additionally, the domed head shape, proper ear set and size, and construction of the snout are all near perfectly formed. 

But the underlying structure of Mimosa is not all there is to a perfect puppy. She is covered in  a lovely tri-colored coat of fur. The white portions are already showing exceptional ermine spotting. There is ample skin to give her very good skin folding. Her head has to "droopy appearance so prized in Basset well. So, if this trend toward perfection continues, what the end product may become is perfection in a Basset Hound. 

Mimosa, at six weeks, shows those traits we are always looking for. While it is likely she will simply become a wonderful pet, the possibility toward becoming more than this is present and this is rare. Mimosa is a lovely puppy and perhaps she ought to be bred to allow those good genes to continue.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Chocolate Martini

Grizelda Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Grizwold have given us two previous litters of great Basset Hound puppies, this is their third litter and it is as good, or better, than the previous two. We are intent only of bringing good pet quality Bassets into the world and in the case of Chocolate Martini this is certainly true. Were it not for one small feature, Chocolate Martini would get full marks in this evaluation..

Chocolate Martini has many of the attributes we look for in a show quality possibility. He has a heavy bone structure, large feet, and a larger than average head size. His frame is well formed with no defects or flanged ribs. His stance, the way he stands when at rest, is very aggressive and solid. Chocolate Martini has w wonderfully large and boxy snout with equally wonderful fews which cover a well set jaw. His ears are both large and well set. Even his tail is larger than one might expect in a puppy this young. Everything about him tells us he will likely be a heavily built Basset while his lineage tells us he will likely be a bit smaller than average. He will become a well built all American styled boy. Were it not for one slightly botched dew claw removal, this puppy would be near perfect in all physical respects. If it were a choice we wished to make, we would have that dew claw re-finished. 

But a great dog is also about temperament and appearance. Chocolate Martini is also a content, patient puppy. These are the things we usually find in a show quality candidate But he also has  great coloring as well. His fine soft fur is has wonderful symmetrical coloring and his face is decorated to look intense.  There will likely be more brown showing up in his  coloring as time goes on, but we are fairly sure he will remain a very pretty boy as he grows into adulthood. 

This ought to be a six of six point puppy. He receives all five of the AKC derived points for form, and would have received the entire point for beauty as well. But we will remove half a point for the flawed dew claw removal and wish we had done the removal more completely. Five and a half points is very good and anyone able to raise this puppy will no doubt be very happy to have him.

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Kamikaze

Rocketdog Bassets is a pet quality breeder of American styled Basset Hounds. What comes from our farm is generally very good, on average. The pairing of ClareBak Grizwold and Grizelda Laffee Taffee has given us great joy in the past and their latest litter seems to be as good as any they have produced so far. Not all puppies will develop into show quality dogs, but as far as pet qualities go, the puppy named Kamikaze will likely make a fine addition to any family.  A patient, happy, cuddly, kissy, little boy dog. 

Kamikaze has very good physical traits/ His bone size is very good, paw size about right for the breed. He conforms well to the Standard of the American Kennel Club and has no bad physical traits at this point in time. He is well built, with a thick tail (like his sire). His domed head shape is correct, ear placement and size very good. There does not seem to be anything wrong with this puppy at all.

This is a lover, not a fighter. He loves to explore. He is a kisser and cuddly lap sitter. Because he is not frantic or scrappy Kamikaze might be best suited to an older family, but I wouldn't rule out him being good with small children either. He is a great all around American style Basset baby who will likely develop into a well loved family pet.  We are not opposed to his being bred providing he continues to develop his better traits going forward.

Of the five points in our AKC derived system, he receives all five.  Kamikaze is a lovely little puppy and receives one-half point for aesthetics. While there is certainly nothing wrong with his appearance, not all puppies will be called beautiful. 

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Daquiri

Grizelda Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Grizwold gave us seven very good pups in this litter and even in this litter of great pups Daquiri is a stand out great little Basset Hound. This is one happy and patient little all American boy. Taffee is an exceptionally pretty, small, European styled Basset. ClarkeBar is a very good example of the American styled Basset. Together they produce heavily boned, robust, babies in the American style. 

At six weeks Daquiri shows real promise. He has the highly domed head shape, great ear placment and size, and well formed facial fews, to develop into a potential show winner. His little frame is heavy of bone, his feet are quite large and his body tapers from front to back smoothly before coming to wasp waist and chunky backside. Daquiri has great stance, perhaps the best predictor of long termed hip health. His sire is now eight years old and has no bone health issues, but it is still too early to tell with the dame. Physically he is about as good as I have seen at six weeks. 

Aesthetically Daquiri is quite pleasing. He is a tri-colored Basset who seems mostly black and white today, but he will eventually show much more brown in the mix.   His coloring is mostly symmetrical, especially in the face, his white nose is distinctive and shows his inner beauty. 

Combining his good form with his pleasing appearance, and adding a patient demeanor to an generally happy and cuddly breed, makes for a real winner. (Perhaps a show winner if given the right training.) Daquiri recieves all five points for conforming to the AKC Standard, and the one point for Beauty. A six point evaluation is usually rare, but not in Taffee's litters.We think Daquiri might be bred with other good examples of the breed to improve the breed in general. He is a great example of the all American styled Basset Hound. 

Six Week Evaluations: The Lady Drinks Litter(s): Cosmopolitan

Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar Griswold gave us seven pups. Cosmopolitan came fifth and was stillborn at birth. She gasp for air only after a few  tense minutes of puppy CPR. We worked for half of an hour longer before deciding that our miracle puppy was going to make it on her own.

Cosmopolitan is a small puppy at six weeks, only 5.3 pounds. Since Laffee Taffee is a smaller form of the European styled Basset, our hope is that Cosmopolitan might stay small as she grows, but there is no way to tell at this point. What she lacks in size she makes up for in personality. Cosmopolitan is a tiny princess.

Though quite small, physically she is very good in most other ways. Her head shape is well domed and her well placed ears are very long. Her tiny body is well formed even if a bit light of bone. She carries herself well and has an adequate stance, which says a lot about her hip qualities. She has very adequate skin folding and wrinkles, but I expect she will be a bit less wrinkly as an adult. She is small at this point, so it is hard to tell how she will eventually turn out. But for now she is quite healthy and always very happy.

Cosmopolitan will develop into a lovely, pet quality, Basset. But serious consideration should be undertaken before deciding to breed her and we are not in favor of her breeding at this point despite her good lineage. Of the five AKC Standard points I will give her four, deducting for light of bone and lack of stance. She gets half a point for aesthetics. Four and a half points of the six available, but I would keep her myself if I could. She is a wonderful little girl.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Lowering the Price on Taffee's litter.

 Occasionally the market forces us to do the unthinkable, lower our puppy price. This usually happens when the economy in general has something happening which makes people a bit nervous. It could be that there are a whole lot more Basset babies on the market than in previous years, but it has never failed us that every puppy finds a good home and we are sure this will be the case with Taffee's litter too. 

But we are cropping the Price for Taffee's litter to $1400.00 each none-the-less.