This is the first litter for Abigale (Abba) Zabba and GlarkeBar Griswold so this is an untried pairing. Abba Zabba is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring.
The boy puppy we call Fuzzy Navel shares with his litter mates some of the traits of their dame, and some of their sire. The mix has given us a slightly lighter weight version of the American Basset Hound. In Fuzzy we have a nicely heavy leg bones and feet, great stance (perhaps a good indicator of future hip bone health), and an exceptionally deep sternum and body taper. Narrow hips and a chunky backside make for a sleek package. Fuzzy's facial features are all American in style and size. A well domed head with boxy snout and facial fews drooping over the lower jaw. This is a well built Basset Hound.
Of the five AKC derived Standard points Fuzzy Navel scores all five, there is nothing wrong with this puppy's form. He also gets half of the aesthetic point, having all the appearance and coloring of a good American Basset, but somewhat unknown. Six of six points is not usual in a new pairing, particularly true since this is a pairing of a Normand styled female with a solid American male. There is not way to know how the dog will turn out as an adult, but I am betting on very good.
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