Monday, September 30, 2019

This Rocket-puppy litter we named for chewing gum.

AKC Grizelda Laffee Taffee and AKC ClarkeBar Grizwold 
present the Chewy-gum Rocketpups.

Laffee Taffee is a naturally good mother and had an easy time of delivering her first litter. We had worried about this simply because this was a teen-aged pregnancy. Clarke and Taffee showed absolutely no interest in each other right up until we found them taking "the long walk in  the moonlight" together. 
Since there was no good alternative to letting the process unfold, we chose to worry instead. But it turned out this was all for nothing. 

Taffee insisted on taking care of each pup herself, but allowed Ann to clean them up, and me to weigh them and take a mug shot. Taffee spent the day laboring, but once she started the pups came out at a rapid fire (about fifteen minutes apart for the most part). Things slowed at the end, but the delivery did not take long at all and nobody yelped except Wriggly, who seems a loud little girl right from the start.

We still have wait list slots open (check out the wait list post at the top of the page). These babies will be ready about two weeks before Christmas.
#5 was our only male. A 14.4 ounce tri color named Bazooka Joe.

#4 came at 9:40. A wonderful 11.3 ounce tri-colored female name Tutti-fruity
#3- A female tri-colored girl named Chicklet.
She is a keeper at 15.1 ounces
#2 - Wriggly - 10.4oz - tri-color - Female

The first one born was Bubblicious: a 15.5 ounce tri-colored female

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Temperatures are dropping

The weather outside is sort of cold and dreary, the Fall temperatures arrived this week and with a vengeance. There never was much for Summer heat this year, which is bad for farming but good for most everything else. But this post isn't about farming, it is about puppies.

There are definite signs of a girl getting ready for delivery. Colostrum show up about ten days before, milk about five days, but it is body temperature dropping below the usual 101 degrees which signals impending labor. Today, Laffee Taffee's temp is around 99 degrees so the babies might come at any time.

Our Farm is not the optimal place to have puppies right now. We are homesteading and it took three years to get the permits (which happened last week). We built a tiny home to live in temporarily while we built the house and, while it is both spacious and comfortable, there's not a whole lot of extra room for extras. Puppies are an extra. So we have added a back porch to the house and moved things around to allow Taffee to deliver in the Laundry room where it is warm and safe. The back porch will serve as play area for the pups until at least six weeks so they will be safe.

Taffee and ClarkeBar have been sleeping together in the Laundry room for the past few nights. He is a comfort to her and doesn't mind being in the house. The two new girls are occupying the back porch until they get a bit bigger. We'll move Clarke out as soon as the babies come, the new girls out once the pups reach three weeks and need room to wander during the days.

Taffee's coming teen-aged litter is not a good thing and certainly wasn't expected or desired, but we're making the best we can of it and things ought to go quite normally (even in the reduced spaces available).

We still have openings on the wait list for those interested in a Christmas puppy. Our experience is that the slots are taken up very quickly as soon as the babies arrive. We expect five or six pups, though it might go higher, or lower. So consider taking the risk.

Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27th, 2019 A Lot of Puppy Stuff

The week has been very busy since the new girls (Abbz-Zabba and Bit-o-Honey) came. We installed them in the new back porch built to help raise Laffee Taffee's impending litter.  I won't bore anyone with the details because the pictures pretty well tell the story. The babies will come any day now, so if you are thinking about a Christmas puppy you should get on the list right away. There are still slots available and previous litters sell out in about three days once the pups arrive.
Taffee is very nervous as she enters into
her last week. The puppies are moving!

Abba Zabba is putting on some weight.
She is a natural beauty with awesome coloring.

Cinnamon has adopted the girls.

Most of the time Cinnamon Bear keeps her attention on the new girls.

Bit-o-Honey has a real adventurous streak in her.
She loves to hunt around and find new things.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Puppy Update

We have a whole lot of news. 

Taffee is getting big. She is on a diet
of puppy chow and whole organic milk.
The first is a bit of old news. Laffee Taffee and Clarke Bar Grizwold are having puppies in a week to ten days. This is an unexpected litter and so we had to do a whole bunch of immediate preparation to make space for a litter in our tiny home. So we built an eight foot by eight foot addition to our tiny home. Taffee will have her pups in the laundry room and they will stay in there exclusively for the first few weeks, moving out to the addition during the daytime providing the weather doesn't turn cold.

We will keep this litter until ten weeks old. This will give the pups a chance to get a bit bigger, but also time the deliveries for Christmas time. It looks like there will be five or six this litter, so getting on the wait list is a very good idea.

Secondly, we took delivery on two new little females today. Abba Zabba, and Bit-o-Honey are nice little Bassets.
Abba Zabba on day one
Bit-o-Honey on day one

  • Abba Zabba is a beautiful little girl, if she were from our kennel she would have received four and a half points (of the five). Look at out standards, and the reviews of previous litters to figure out what I mean. The half point she is missing is entirely in skin volume. She is too light weight and her wrinkles are not showing. She ought to grow out of this negative trait.  She has a superb coloring scheme, being mostly black with some red, and very little white fur. Her stance is that of a potential champion, but only time will tell if these winning traits continue on into adulthood. My first impression is that Abba Zabba is a bit of a handful, perhaps a chicken chaser.

  • Bit-o-Honey is a very nice little pet quality Basset girl. She is developing a lot of brown fur, but she seems well suited to farm life. She would only have received three of five points due to inconsistent coloring and a less than desirable stance. My first impression of her was that she would be the most likely to escape the fence. 

Both came to us a bit lite in weight so it is hard to tell how they will wrinkle up once well fed. The male litter mates were nearly single colored (light brown), so there is a possibility that these new girls might throw single colored pups. The others have not yet  fallen in love with the new girls, but they will. Cinnamon has taken charge of training them for us.

We finally received the permits to build the new farm house. The new kennel facilities will be the first thing built after the house is occupancy ready. The new Kennel will act more as a living room for the dogs than anything resembling a regular kennel with stalls. There will also be a veterinary room for hot water grooming and puppy whelping. There will be two yards attached to the kennel, one for segregation and the other for daily use during business hours when the hounds cannot be allowed free run of the place. We will begin offering long termed boarding as soon as the thing is up and running.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Puppies are on their way!

Our waiting list for an expected five puppies is now open.

AKC ClarkeBar Grizwald and AKC Grizelda Laffee Taffee are surprised to announce that they are expecting a litter of Puppies around October fifth. This promises to be a great pairing of Basset Hound genetics.

ClarkeBar at three months
ClarkeBar is a proven winner, turning out three litters in his first five years. He is a smaller male, just fifty-five pounds, very athletic, loving, a bit shy, and only aggressive in defense of his place  and his people. He is never snappish with our other Bassets. Of his offspring there have been four worthy of taking to show, but all have become good companions. His health has been excellent since he joined us, and his size, stance, coloring, nose, head shape, and ear length are very good examples of the breed.
Laffee Taffee at three months.
Laffee Taffee is new to breeding and to tell the truth, a bit young. She showed none of the characteristics associated with going into her first season and so this is a surprise litter. She too is a smallish sort of Basset at only forty-two pounds at one year ( about the same size as was ClarkeBar at that age ) but she has not yet hit her full growth potential. She has a very good nose and has become the leader of our pac's hunting expeditions. She is very athletic, always affectionate, and never snappish. Though untried she is an excellent example of the breed in every respect. Laffee Taffee has had no health issues since joining us.

These puppies will be available for delivery to their new homes very near Christmas time. We intend to keep them for ten weeks, but have in the past allowed delivery any time between eight weeks and twelve. The price for these puppies will be $1500 (U.S.) and include the customary wellness checks, vaccinations, and limited registration paperwork for the American Kennel Club.

  • Full Registration , including breeding rights will be an additional $500.00 (U.S.). 
  • We are sorry to announce that we will not offer any sort of delivery outside of the Portland metropolitan area with this litter. 
  • Air Freight delivery can be arranged on a case by case basis at additional cost. 

As has always been our policy, a substantial and non-refundable five hundred dollar deposit will be expected to join our waiting list. The list for this litter will be five places deep as this is also our expectations for the litter. This is a first come, first served, list where the first deposit assures the depositor first choice of the available puppies, the second depositor the second choice, Etcetera  . . .

Choosing a puppy will occur at six weeks of age, after we have evaluated each puppy, and in the order of list position. We reserve the right to remove any puppy from availability at any time at our own discretion. If fewer than five puppies are available, or we remove a puppy from availability, the deposit will be refunded to the appropriate list member. Final payments must be made in cash upon delivery, or prior to delivery by pre-arranged payment method. We take all credit and debit cards through

Our list is open as of this posting and will remain open until five puppies are spoken for. If more than five puppies arrive in this litter we will reopen the list and announce this on this blog and on our Rocketdog Facebook interest group.

Evidence of previous litters can be found in this blogs archives. Owners from previous litters may be found on our Rocketdog Facebook interest group. We welcome visitation to our Farm near Banks, Oregon prior to whelping, or four week following whelping, and you can rest assured that we will post a steady stream of puppy pictures to this blog and to Facebook.

Contact us via Email for more information.