Monday, October 14, 2019

Puppy Update October 14th, 2019

We are very pleased with Laffee Taffee and ClarkeBar's babies. In the past two weeks they all doubled in weight and many have open eyes. A few are up the their feet. All are getting very proficient eaters. They are a wonderful bunch.

As is turned out, Bubblicious (pronounce Bubba-Licious) is a male, something that got misidentified in the heat of delivering them. Not a major problem, but we probably would have changed his kennel name to something more traditional. However, at two weeks old Bubba is a large and healthy little boy who weighs in at 2.34 pounds. He has found his legs and is bear scooting around looking for another meal. He is quiet and stout.

Wriggly is a nice little girl who seems to like cuddling up. We handle the pups as often as Taffee will let us, which is not all too often, and Wriggly seems to like us. But she is an insistent and vocal pup, having begun talking since her emergence, and not being very quiet since. Her weight is a  2.8 pounds and she is healthy as can be. Early on I see that her ear placement is optimal and the head shape is very nice. There's not much to go on when they are this small, but all the pups look wonderfully formed at this point.

Chicklet is some wonderful markings and will likely develop into an especially pretty little girl. Her color is remarkably symmetrical and will of her parts are in the right place and the right shape for this early on in the game. She weighs 2.34 pounds and is very strong for her size.

Tutti-Fruity has the cutest little face. Her narrow face blaze is very mild and almost grey since it mixes in with the black hairs. Her coloring is amazing. Mostly black and white with banding, rather than spots. At 2.37 pounds, she is a healthy little thing.

Bazooka Joe is stout little tub at 2.34 pounds. He is strong and looks to become something of a hunter but there is no way of telling at these early weeks.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Some new pictures

A few new photos

Laffee Taffee and babies are doing very well.
As of today we have five, three are bear walking.
All are nice and fat.
Taffee is inside with the babies most of the day,
and the others spend their days exploring and
staying out of trouble (for the most part).

Abba Zabba has gained so much size and weight since coming to the Farm.
She is not the type who likes her picture taken.
Too bad for us, she is a beautiful girl.

The puppies are learning the ways of farm dogs.
Run around, then greet everyone as they pass by or come home.

Bit-o-Honey may never be the show dog type.
But she is looking to be a wonderful addition to the Farm.
She is a lover and a cuddler.

Abba Zabba, it seems, is a hunter.
She has her nose down every hole
and is usually covered in dirt.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

She's Back!

Laffee Taffee Is back in full effect. She had been a bit depressed and tired after giving us the five beautiful babies and then feeding them until they were fat. And she wasn't eating much, a few hard boiled duck eggs and some water. But yesterday she ate five full meals of kibble, whole milk, canned food, and duck eggs, but her waggy tail still sagged.
Last night she ate two midnight meals of pasta, eggs, kibble, and canned food. This morning she is our happy little girl once more, the tail wagging the whole dog. . . .
Not only this, but she wanted me to watch the puppies (for the first time) while she went outside with Ann Smith. On the way she ate half of Clarke's breakfast (and he had no objections).
She's Back!!!

But she's still a bit underweight.

I'll try to get new pictures today. It's rainy out and there will be plenty of time.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Morning After

Taffee spent the night trying to get everyone fed and bedded down. She did this by cleaning everyone thoroughly and then cleaning them again, so there really wasn't much rest for any of them, or for us either. But this morning, after going outside and getting a bit of breakfast in, Taffee finally got everyone settled down and now most of the babies are sleeping. But this is sure to change about as soon as I post this . . . A wonderfully long and tiring day is over. I think we'll all treat this as a Sunday and do some serious sitting around and napping.