Sunday, April 18, 2021

Are Bassets actually Hobbits?

 Listen. I know this is something of a silly conjecture, but there seems to be something about it which keeps the silliness going year after year. I'm only writing about this myself because the controversy seems to be resurging right now and I, being a philosophy major with few marketable skills, tend to go on and on about things which make little sense to most. 

The fact of the matter is that a Basset Hound is not a Hobbit (the silly idea) any more that is Charles Shultz' Snoopy is not a Beagle Hound (definitely a Basset in the drawings). But the world will not be set right on either of these two ideas in this simple BLOG post. But, simply because we have little else to do with our time, let's review the evidense for the argument.

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a real epic tale when he penned The Hobbit. In such a small book he wove a web as compelling as the spider webs Bilbo found in the Dark Woods. Early on he spent a bit of time describing the Hobbit as being between two and four feet tall (long if thought about in Basset terms) with the average height being three feet six inches. Tolkien tells us the they are usually shy, but are never the less capable of great courage and amazing feats under the proper circumstances. He also describes Hobbits of having feet covered with hair with leathery soles. Tolkien paints for us a picture of a being not quite as stocky as similarly sized dwarves, fattish in the stomach, short-ish in the leg, and a jovial face.

While nobody can say with any certainty that Tolkien was taking the styling ques of a Hobbit from observations of Basset Hounds, the case is, at least, somewhat compelling.

Boiled down a bit we have a being which is:

  1. About three feet six inches,
  2. Shy, but not timid,
  3. Having furry feet with leathery soles,
  4. Stocky but not as much as others of the dwarf type,
  5. Fattish in the middle,
  6. Short-ish in the leg, 
  7. And happy in the face.

The Hobbit of the Ring Series, and others, is pictured in a way which is at least sharing the description of a Human form of Basset Hound. This is the nature of the argument and I assume why the whole controversy isn't simply ignored.  But the similarity is striking and, if Tolkien has chosen to set the series in a world populated by Dogs and Cats then Hobbits might have been portrayed as Basset Hounds or, perhaps more likely, the Welsh Corgi. Of course I prefer that it would have been as Basset Hounds, but Corgis are nice. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

One Week Puppy Update

 This is a very nice litter, though it still a bit too difficult to tell how or what they might become. We usually find that some traits and characteristics begin showing up immediately upon a first breath, this is certainly true with Dunkin and Fritter. Dunkin is a chunk. Fritter is a talker. Other than these two though, appearance seems the only distinguishing things to remark about. A few are more adventurous, one has a unique eating style. None of the pups have their eyes open yet. Perhaps we'll start seing eyes by the end of the week.

All are eating, many doubled in weight. Apparently some eating better than others. Other than apparent physical defects, weight is the best thing to look at this early on since eating is development into a healthy dog. 

  • The biggest gain was Long John (gained 14.9 ounces to 27.1 ounces), LJ is the largest so far.
  • Dunkin is the biggest gain (13.8 ounces), who now weighs 26.3 ounces).
  • Fritter is doing well gaining 12.7 ounces, she is now up to 25.9 ounces.
  • Jelly has done well too. Having gained 12.4 ounces, she is now up to 25.6 ounces.

This is the line between the big ones and the small ones. 

Below the line is the target group since we are trying to breed a smaller Basset Hound.
  • Éclair is a cute little girl who weighs in at 22.8 ounce, she gained 11.5 ounces this week.
  • Sugar is a healthy 21.9 ounces, up 10.9 ounces.
  • Sprinkles is a tiny little 18.5 ounces, but up a respectable 10.9 ounces.
  • Bismarck is by far the smallest at a mere 17.1 ounces. He is still doing well having gained 10.5.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

All of Our Puppies are Sold

With they size of our Wait List this time, it is not surprising that this litter went fast. 

Sorry to all those who waited and weren't able to get one. For those left waiting we can only say that our plan all along was to pair The Cinnamon Bear with ClarkeBar Grizwold in April. And that plan is still in place. 

Cinnamon has held off on going into season until space opens up before, but we're hoping for the next litter to be here in June. Only time will tell.