The is the unexpected second litter of Beatrix (Bit) O'Honey and ClarkeBar Grizwold. A pair of red and white male puppies who are unusually large when compared to the other litters we've had. Beatrix O'Honey is of the Basset Artésien Normand style. She conforms entirely to the Standard of the American Kennel Club, but has few of the heavier traits found in American and European styled Bassets. The traits of the Normand Basset are a tighter coat, a narrow head and face, and a slightly pointed snout without facial fews. Normand styled Bassets are not very droopy in appearance and these droopy European traits are what wins at dog shows. What the Normand type Basset lacks in droopiness, it more than makes up for in a cleverness and speed. ClarkeBar Grizwold is an all American Basset. He does have the European droopy traits in his head features, but he is more of a hunting hound in his body construction and these traits often shine through in his offspring.
Hurricane is nearly ten pounds at six weeks boy, much larger than all but one of the other pups in the Lady Drinks litter(s). He was larger at birth, heavily built, with what appears to be excellent European features. He is heavy in all respects. Heavy in skin, with large skin folds over his shoulders and hind quarters. He is very heavy in bone, with large paws which are a clue as to what he will become and a deep chest between his thick forelegs. The Mule has good stance, a stronger than average aggressiveness in the way he stands while at rest. He has a wide skull with a wide snout, adequate fews covering his lower jaw, and very good ear size and setting. He is a well formed hefty baby Basset boy.
It is unusual to have red and white puppies in our kennel, but these two are a welcomed change. Hurricane has thick soft fur, mostly in red with large white patches. There is no telling how he will eventually be colored, but it will definitely be in red and white fur. His face appears mostly white as his blaze covered two-third of his face and to the back of his skull, he has style.
This is a a calm and patient little boy Basset. Very good natured, gentle, and sometimes scrappy. Hurricane receives five of the five AKC derived points for form, there is simply nothing wrong about him. He receives one-half of a point for beauty, because of his lineage we cannot be sure he will always be so good looking of sport those wonderful European features.