Our nine little Jelly Belly Bassets are developing quickly now. They are playing hard and eating solid food. We even give them a handful of dry kibble every once in a while as a treat and their little tails wag something fierce.
This morning we took everyone to the Vet. for a checkup and all are in great shape. One little boy has something of a Parrot Jaw condition, but we've seen this before. This is something like and underbite in humans, which is rarely a problem. In Bassets the condition self corrects when the adult teeth come in. There is rarely anything to worry about.
Of the nine, seven have families who have made a claim. There are still two boys left to find homes for. But we're not worried in the least. The boys are great and there is still four weeks to go. In most other litters we didn't even start allowing choices until the babies were six weeks old. While I am still a bit unsure about this new way of doing thing, it seems to be working pretty well.
We are trading a female puppy with another breeder and they are having a litter even as I write this article. We're really looking forward to going out to their place to meet the pups. It is always fun to get a new puppy.
If you are interested in taking one of our remain boys, just scribble something in the box to the left of this and hit send. We'll get the information to you. People are welcome to come visit. Just let us know when
and we'll make it happen.
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